So… What’s with all the session choices?

Good question!

I’m trained in a couple inner healing protocols, but they aren’t necessarily very informative unless you’re familiar with them. So, I’ve pulled out pieces of the puzzle that I often address in working with clients in the hopes of giving you a better understanding of what you might expect. It isn’t necessary to choose any particular type of session, and we’ll most likely work on several of these in any given session. But, I thought I would take some time, and describe each of these things in a bit more detail for you.

The fourth is a self empowerment session.

So often we make lies and vows about ourselves – frequently as children – and the enemy takes those and runs with them. Often this is because adults in our formative years told us these lies – probably because they believed them about themselves as well. However they’ve come about, those lies and vows continue to shape your life and your ability to flourish. I will help you find the lies and vows and break them. I’ll also give you homework to help you begin to replace those lies and vows with the Truth! Imagine how far you could go, if only you thought that you could, and that you deserved all the good things the Lord and this world He’s placed you in have to offer! Grab your session today!

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