How to Read this Post
Feel free to skip around and choose the areas that you feel are the most important. Skim through the bold text for highlights.
The icons to the right here will indicate when you’ll find a crafted prayer or when it’s a great time to listen and write down or journal about what you’re doing. Feel free to skip to these if you’re familiar with the topic and want to get right to the work.
Blue boxes have additional information in them that you might find interesting. These are great if you want a more in-depth look at something.

A blue box with white text like this indicates a deeper look for those interested.
Walking Out Your Healing
In the last 3 blogs, we’ve dealt with the generational issues, forgiveness, ungodly beliefs, soul ties, emotional wounds, demonic oppression, and anger at God pertaining to jealousy. If you haven’t read those posts, please go back and do so. Those are what set you free. This post is about moving forward now that you’ve received that freedom. When you’re ready, continue on below. You can either work through these one at a time, or skip around and choose what you feel you need at this time.
Shameless book plug: I took the following from my book A Guide to Freedom. If you want more details and helpful ways to track your progress, etc., check it out.

Father, I thank you for the healing and freedom that You’ve helped me to achieve from jealousy. I ask that You show me what steps I should focus on first to continue to receive and enjoy that freedom. Teach me how to walk in dominion over jealousy, and to help set others free.
Give Yourself Grace
I cannot encourage you enough to give yourself grace and mercy to not get it all right. Don’t try to do everything at once, just begin somewhere and keep going. If you trip and fall, repent, and move on. One mistake is not a disaster. An entire series of mistakes need not be a disaster if you get up again and keep moving forward. Part of what you are overcoming in walking out your healing is relearning how to do life from a position of freedom and wholeness. You have habits to overcome. Often, when we think we’ve “lost” our freedom, it’s simply that we’ve fallen back into old habits. Repent, get back up, and continue on. You’ll learn new habits, it won’t always be this hard.
Saturate Your Atmosphere
There seems to be something more tangible that happens when we saturate our atmospheres with worship music. Worship resonates at a frequency that seems to transfer itself into the structure and atmosphere of the place and it lingers on long past the time that the last note died away. I’ve been to churches and cathedrals where God was worshipped for hundreds of years. There’s something unique in the atmosphere of many of them. I don’t think it has to be a certain style or kind of music. I do think it matters if the artists singing and playing are doing so from the right place and with the right Spirit. That’s why I’ve specified worship music here. Not all Christian music is worship although I enjoy most all of it if I’m just listening. But, if I want to shift my atmosphere, I pay more attention to which music I sense the Spirit in the most.
Read the Word
The Bible is also the best place I know to learn about how God has worked with and through people since the beginning. There is much that we can learn about who God is and what he is like by reading his Word. This is especially true if you read several translations and paraphrases. I’m not saying you have to sit down and study the Bible for hours a day. That’s not a realistic goal for most of us. You can sign up for KLOVE radio’s verse of the day to go to your email. I’ve been receiving KLOVE’s emails for 15 years or so now, so they are who come to mind for me. I recently started getting emails with a Proverb or chapter a day from They have quite a few different ones to choose from. I enjoy the convenience of having it come to my inbox each morning, especially when traveling.
Personalize Scripture
As I’m reading the Bible, sometimes, a verse jumps out at me and seems to apply to what I’m going through, or maybe it’s something that I desire to see manifest in my life. Not only do I highlight them, but I will also personalize them. This helps me to absorb the truths much more effectively.
I take 3×5 cards and write out the verse or verses so they pertain directly to me, putting my name in them as much as it works. I read them aloud to myself as often as needed. In some of the darkest times, I’ve had so many that I bought a photo album to put them in so I could more easily flip through.
For example, Psalm 100:4 reads: Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.
There are at least 2 ways to personalize this. First, I can say: I will enter his gates with thanksgiving. I will go into his courts with praise. I will give thanks to him and I will praise his name.
Or: Alice will enter his gates with thanksgiving. Alice will go into his courts with praise. Alice will give thanks to him and Alice will praise his name.I find that using the second is more effective.

Two-way Journaling
Taking time to listen to the Spirit is an excellent way to gain more freedom. Two-way journaling is a great way to refine your listening. I learned this technique by watching Dr. Mark Virkler’s 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice DVDs. Basically, you make sure your heart is right, and ask God a question. “What do you think of me?” or “How do you see me?” or something along those lines is a great way to start. Quiet yourself and listen. Write whatever you hear. Don’t analyze it, just write. You can proofread later if you want to. Spiritual things register on the right side of your brain. Analyzation and proofreading are more left brain activities. For those of us who spend a lot of time on the left, switching to the right takes practice, so stay over there as long as you can when you get there! If this is something new to you, it is Dr. Virkler’s recommendation to you run your journalling by a few advisors who know and love you and whom you know to hear from God for themselves. And certainly to do so if you are making a major decision of any kind. This is wise advice. In the beginning, you want them to tell you if they think what you’ve heard is the voice of the Spirit.
Take Thoughts Captive
There are normally 3 sources of thoughts in our heads. They all can sound like us, so we need to learn to discern the source of each. Once we understand whose voice we’re hearing, what does it mean to take a thought captive? It means, that we do not let it linger in our minds. Once we recognize a thought as coming from the enemy, I find it helpful to just say “No! Nope! Nada!” Out loud if need be. I may follow that with a statement that I bind up that thought and cast it to the cross. That thought is not mine or God’s, and I will not receive it. I then focus on the appropriate opposite thought which applies. If I can use one of my personalized scriptures, this seems to add strength and power to help me focus on the truth and create positive thoughts.
Forgive Quickly and Often
Keep on forgiving, as I mentioned earlier in these posts, it’s a process, so we may need to remind ourselves that we’ve chosen to forgive. We may also need to forgive those who hurt us as we move forward.
Exercise Your Spiritual Giftings
Seek to discover and to use the gifts that God has given you, whatever they might be. In this way, you step into your destiny and do the good things He planned for you to do.

Practice Thankfulness
Gratitude is a powerful force. Use it – make a list of what you have to be thankful for and add to it often. See if you can find a new something to be thankful for everyday.
Share your Testimony
Tell the world of the good things that God has done for you, in overcoming (***ISSUE***). Not only does this help you focus on the great things He’s done, but you give others courage to seek their own healing.
Resist the Enemy
He’s had you under his control through jealousy for a while. Whether long or short, he will want you back. That doesn’t mean you weren’t healed and set free, it’s just what he does. His job description is to kill, steal, and destroy, and your healing and freedom is at the top of that list! When you spot his attack, recognize it for the lie it is, take up your armor, and stand in the truth and fight!

Father, I ask you to set Your seal upon the work I have and will be doing learning to walk out my healing. I believe You are faithful to continue this work and bring me to greater and greater realms of healing and wholeness. I cancel any and all curses, devices, or assignments of the enemy and break off any retaliation in the Name of Jesus. I seal all doors and windows in the spirit with Jesus’ blood and thank You and praise You for Your protection. Please minister to me as my system adjusts to this new level of healing and wholeness and comes into alignment with Your design.
Next time, we’ll be looking at healing from pride.

DIY Healing for Jealousy 4
How to Read this Post Feel free to skip around and choose the areas that you feel are the most important. Skim through the bold

DIY Healing for Jealousy 3
How to Read this Post Feel free to skip around and choose the areas that you feel are the most important. Skim through the bold

DIY Healing for Jealousy 2
How to Read this Post Feel free to skip around and choose the areas that you feel are the most important. Skim through the bold

DIY Healing for Jealousy 1
How to Read this Post Feel free to skip around and choose the areas that you feel are the most important. Skim through the bold

DIY Healing Preparation
Welcome to a new blog series for DIY healing. This post will get you ready, and the posts after this will be taking one issue
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Overcoming Jealousy
$5.99 – $8.99 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page